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Yesterday, President Donald Trump’s pick to be the United States ambassador to the United Nations became the latest administration nominee to express the belief that Israel has “biblical” dominion over the occupied West Bank.

Elise Stefanik’s comment on Tuesday came during her confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, where she also pledged to further Trump’s “America First” mission.

This is such an ill-conceived claim.

The Jews don't have the Bible. They have the Torah and the Talmud. The evolution of the religion of the Jews just ended there where the evolution of the Bible begins. 

It is appalling to see how pro-Israelis abuse history. No (extreme) right-wing American has ever made such a stupid statement since the Israeli occupation of the West Bank in 1967.

The name "Israel" is borrowed from the name "Israelites". They were a nomadic tribe who invaded the Amalekites' homeland (the Negev desert) from the south (the Sinai desert)  and slaughtered the women, children, and even animals that the Amalekites kept.

However, there is much confusion about the origin of the Amalekites because it is unclear where they originated. It is certain that the Israelites, as the Israelis like to refer to themselves, are not the original inhabitants.

The West Bank did not exist then, not even when Canaan was a patchwork of tribal areas.

The entire region has been renamed over and over again. But still, the Israelis just erased all the renamings before "Samaria" and "Judea", the name Ottoman Palestine, and British Mandatory Palestine so that the "history" of the West Bank begins there.

They and their followers still do the same about the Holocaust by only mentioning the Jews.

They use the word "Hebrew" on an industrial scale and speak the Hebrew language as if it has always been the language of the Jews. Well, the latter is a fictional reality as Hebrew is borrowed from the tribe of Abraham that lived in the region of Ur in the southeast of Mesopotamia in today's Iraq. 

Abraham and his people weren't Jews, as Judaism didn't exist when he was still in his homeland. First, they had to arrive in Canaan, where Abraham joined other tribes to reach a covenant in which they all agreed to accept one god.

Babylonian Talmudic rabbis are known for their weird and extreme ideas, such as the right to have sex with children as long as these children are no older than nine years.

They also speak about "the Romans borrowed" referring to the time when Palestine was a province of the Roman Empire but didn't say something similar about Palestine under Muslim rule for hundreds of years.

Well, the Romans may have "borrowed". At least, they weren't accused of stealing, which the ancestors of the Israelis did when they invaded British Mandatory Palestine in 1947.

No, the Israelis don't have any right to be in historic Palestine at all", which their European Zionist ancestors renamed into "Israel" as it was masterminded in 1916 by the Briton Mark Sykes and the Frenchman Francoise Picot when they divided the remains of the Ottoman Empire into British and French colonies. It was concluded a year later by another Briton, Arthur Balfour with the words "We have a Jewish state."

No country has ever emerged to exist by conspiracy, masterminding, and invented ideology.


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