What is politics? It is, at least, a question rarely noticed by those who do politics.
Politics isn't explicitly a set of activities associated with decision-making in groups or power relations among individuals. And, it is even not just for those who call themselves politicians. Politics manifests in many forms, even in your personal view or opinion. The latter is the fundament on which you choose to decide. The practice is not just in a parliament or cabinet. A demonstration or protest is the expressive form.
But, politics knows a downside. Suppressive pushing for authority in views or opinions meant to seek power is the downside of politics, The method to achieve authority is withholding information, altering information, and preventing the spread of information that contains the real nature of what is the issue.
The worst and most horrific example in Western modern-day history is politics against the history of the Palestinians which is not only about mass disinformation. It is also about resorting to a practice that I know from the Nazis who called it "untermenschliichen." In plain English, the practice of dehumanizing. The methods used in the "war" on Gaza have a lot more ingredients all pointing in the direction of what I would call the Endlösung der Palästina-Frage, a reference to the Nazi Endlösung der Judenfrage. In English, the final solution.
Systematic suppression of views of others to dominate is also on a territorial level when a country claims ownership of land and or waters outside its official borders and uses military methods to protect its claim. If such a country chooses to use military means, it is just sending the message, that this country knows that the claim does not reflect historical facts. The use of military methods to protect territorial claims, China is doing that by building up a huge arsenal of weapons to deter counter-claims and Russia does it by war against Ukraine.
The recording of history is by writing and making movies. Both are manipulable when you choose to disrespect the authenticity of history. Unfortunately, it still happens today even when it is just about a word. For instance:
There are explainable, learning dictionaries and politically defined dictionaries. The latter explains words within the frame of political views on which ruling is based. If you want to know how this works out, in Google Search, type the question 'How does...[country of your choice] ... view terrorism?' In some cases, you will even get related questions. But the given explanations are all based on the views the country of your choice has. There is no uniformity, not even in the explanation by the United Nations which determines Hamas as a political movement. The Israelis and their followers say it is a terrorist organization. This is the clearest and the worst example of weaponizing words for political gains in modern history Where does this all have its roots?
It's U.S. President George W. Bush when he in January 2002 said during his State Of The Union:
- "Our war on terror begins with al Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped, and defeated."
- " From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime."
- " Either you with us or you with the terrorists."
These three statements have changed governments' perceptions around the world about who and what is a terrorist. The American definition of 'terrorism' is based on the speech by Bush and has resonated in the Israeli rhetoric against Hamas since 2008.
But what is 'terrorism' really?
'Terror" means exposing people to extreme fear. If you add 'ism" to make it 'terrorism' you define the practice. The person who practices it is called a terrorist. But, many individuals around the world do just that: dictators, autocrats, authoritarian rulers, and a lot of presidents.
I remember something from my childhood. I was told that all bad things come from America. Well yes, nuclear militarization is invented by the Americans. Militarizing the police is an American invention and so is militarization of the words terror and terrorism.
But, did you know that militarizing "terror" and "terrorism" prompted the militarization of the police? This wouldn't have happened if President Obama hadn't distributed a huge surplus of MRAPs, used in Afghanistan and Iraq, among police forces in the U.S. that inspired security suppliers to turn policemen into combat soldiers. China was quick to follow the Americans.
This is how the police in your own country come to look when a protest has to be silenced. And, this is how you see history weaponized ... to erase the history of Gaza.